For me, this means I have three months of teaching to fit into the next two months.
For you, it means thinking about summer. As you are working through the End-Of-Year Checklist...
1. get summer job.
2. work on tan.
3. practice lounging.
...don't forget to add one important item to that list.
This summer, were asking you to JUMP into journalism in a variety of ways. Become the great writer you know you can be by immersing yourself in a writing class. Learn how to tell stories in video and web formats by diving into a multimedia class. Fill the gaps in your computer skills by taking a Photoshop or InDesign class. We have so many exciting and unique classes, you're not going to know which one to choose (call us, we'll help).
You want to get moving on this. Click here for the brochure and forms you need.
And here's the thing: if you get everything for MIPA sent in before you leave for summer break, all you'll have to worry about is:
5. even out tan lines.
Right now, it's 52°. I'll be seeing you when it's (at least) 30° more than that.
1 comment:
All of the class options look so interesting.
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