We know how important a theme can be. Newspaper folks work to tie together all the content of their double-trucks and packages. For yearbook folks, theme is huge. And we've all been there when what we thought was a dynamite theme starts to dissolve by page 41.
Which brings me to "JUMP."
I love this theme because it is so MIPA Camp. MIPA is where we dive in headfirst and don't come up for air until we've got some great stuff to take home. This summer, you'll definitely jump into journalism. But in case you don't get it, there's that theme thing to help drive it home. Jump. Jump on it. Jump around. Van Halen's "Jump." Kriss Kross'll make you jump. Base jumping. Jump start. Shonen Jump. Jump drive. You see how it can get away from you.
The thing I'm always obsessing about this time of the year is the opening. Last year's "Journalism is Forever" was supposed to be a spy theme ('07, 007, 2007), and it was a fun theme that, to be honest, held up until about 6:30 Sunday. But the video of me and Betsy as not-so-super spies was a blast to make.
So, help me out. I want the opening to really tie in the idea of Jump. It's an active thing. At the spring conference, I ran around with a wig on as "Jump" played. It didn't make a lot of sense, but hopefully it got people's attention.
I want the opening to be one you remember. The video gets an OK response. It's fun to make. But I don't have any groovy ideas for a video, and maybe there's something better.
How fun would be a velcro wall and trampoline, where audience members jump at a wall with things about journalism or something on it?
Velcro wall: not in the budget.
Neither are lasers, flash pots, or fog machine. I know they don't have anything to do with "Jump," but I always try to work them in if I can...
So, what else? A double-dutch contest? (Is there Single Dutch?) Maybe I have people send me how they jump into journalism and I put them into a musical slide show (oooo, I'm kinda liking this one). What else?
HELP ME! Jump on it...
Rewrite Aladdin's "One jump, ahead of the breadline" to be "one jump, ahead of the deadline" and film a parody with Chad as Aladdin trying to get a paper out on time (while being chased by Arabian guards?? Hmm)...
Is there money in the budget for a live monkey? And Cheryl must play the "Still I think he's rather tasty" woman because that's the best part of the song.
I'll keep brainstorming...
I personally am looking into the cost of velcro in our budget, Chad. I mean, I am jumping right on it! The thought of you sticking to the wall after I tossed you there is wild!
Could we persue a trampoline?
well, maybe that's a bit much, but I like the jump-rope idea (I think single-dutch is just called plain jump-rope)
Pogo-sticks might work. We could have a pogo-stick off to see who could stay on longest or jump the most times- I would definately be there.
We could have reverse limbo where the stick starts low and you have to jump over it to go to the next level. However, when people stopped clearing the stick and tripping there might be some trouble.
I suppose the same goes to the idea of putting someone in the center of a parachute and launching them into the air.
(of Mercy High School's Newsprint)
As I was listening to the local radio station (Kalamazoo) on Friday, 103.3 WKFR, there is a song that they play during "Friday Festivities" at 5pm that you may want to take a look at.
To the ancient tune of The Sugargang Hill's "Apache," it goes something like "What's up Kalamazoo, what's up? What's up Battle Creek, what's up? Marshall, jump on it, jump on it!"
I guess, with permission, of course, that tune can be used with a bit of a journalism twist.
wkfr.com does not give away copies of the song, unfortunately, so if you want to listen, you can go online and check it out tomorrow at 5pm.
Can't wait for MIPA!
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